Add relationship data in admin console

Hi. I have a stores table and a products table. I have a one to many relationship between stores and products and data rows in both tables. Is there a way to set the relationship data in admin console? Or is it only possible using the SDKs?

Hi Mark.

I may have not explained very well. I already have created the relationship, now i want to fill it with data: set the products in the relationship store->products. Is it possible with the console or only throught SDKs?

I see. To populate relationships with data you would need to use API. We are considering to add that capability to console as well. As for the API, it is quite straightforward with REST, requires no code at all:

Thanks Mark. It would be very helpful if this could be done through the console :slight_smile:

Hi Andres,

Yes, you can do it with the console. To create a relationship using the console, open Data, then select the table where you need to define a relationship and click the “Table Schema and Permissions” button in the upper right corner. Then use the “Add Relationship” button.

Hope this helps.
