Added new tables don't show up in dashboard :(

New custom tables added visually and/or programmatically do not appear in dashboard… It functions as expected otherwise, meaning informations can be saved and retrieved, but its not visualized in dashboard. It looks as if I have only one custom table.

please provide applicationId and name of custom table

Thank you in advance!
App id: 88323413-A691-A972-FF3A-DA0F1A87B400
Table names:



I can see SuggestedPlace and Restaurant (not Restaurants) tables in your app:


Please consider optimizing for Safari browser, thats what most iOS mobile developers use. I can see those tables in Chrome, but don’t see them in Safari. Thank you for very quick answers.

Could you take a screenshot of your data console in Safari?

please see the attached file

Please try to move “System tables”

I’m getting the same thing on the Standalone Client. I am going to try this and let you know how it goes!

The problem was that it was hidden under other custom tables in dashboard. Just moving it down worked for me.