Adding geopoints in bulk to existing users

I have a question about manually adding geopoints to an existing database table. We have migrated some data from an previous Parse instance to Backendless and the geopoints were not included in the migration. The goal would be to manually add in bulk a standard geopoint in the field location to each entry in our user table.
Is there a way to do that from the REST console? Or is there a way other than manually add the geopoint to users one by one?

Hello, Marco!

There are two ways to do that.
First is to create geo-points through curl utility. Also “postman”, “paw” or any other similar tool can be used. After that you’ll be able to establish relation between created points and objects manually through data console as described here:
The second way, I guess, would be more suitable for you. These is no way to create geo-points directly from REST-console, but they can be saved as related objects. Update all “users” through REST console using body like this (assuming that the geo-relation column is called “location”):



Hi Alex,
Thank you for your quick response. I like your second option.
Since I am new to backendless would you be so kind to post a screenshot of the REST Console filled with all the necessary fields and tell me how I should proceed to apply the change?

Thanks in advance

Hello, Marco!Here you go:
Ask us please if something is not clear.
best regards,

It works, thank you!

But now I have 2000+ users, I have to do it manually one by one or is there a way to update them all at once?

If your users would be able to update their location - you can use “bulk update”. Take a look at the following screenshot:
With this approach each user would have his own geo-point.

Great, thank you.