AddRelation method cannot be resolved

I’m trying to add a relation between two objects but I keep getting a syntax error that the method cannot be resolved. When I tried the AsyncCallback with Void, the syntax error went away but I got an class cast exception when I ran the program. I’m confused.
I’m using java for android.

ArrayList<BackendlessUser> addressCollection = new ArrayList<BackendlessUser>();
addressCollection.add( Backendless.UserService.CurrentUser() );Backendless.Data.of( Cart.class ).addRelation( cart, "user:User:1", addressCollection, new AsyncCallback<Integer>()
 public void handleResponse(Integer response) {
 public void handleFault(BackendlessFault fault) {
} );


First of all you need to change from “user:User:1” to “user:Users:1”.
Regarding the remaining part of the code - everything looks ok. I’ve created the same data structure as yours - and everything worked for me.

Make sure to do the following:

  1. when adding relation - make sure that the object is found first (if it already exists) or saved in backendless (if you’re creating the new object)
  2. to set current user as related - user should be logged in
  3. make sure that you are using the correct version of SDK, I’ve received similar exceptions when used your code with old SDK. If your app is on the 4.0 environment - you should use corresponding SDK (please check in pom.xml located in backendless.jar)

Regards Anton

Hi Anton,

Thank you, I changed the backendless to 4.0.0 beta-3 and it worked fine after that.