Backendless Version 6.3 Online
Client SDK - JS
Application ID - 2A0EB9A5-1BF6-5C77-FF0C-566B648F7600
Expected Behavior
- AfterLogin event is called
- Update a field of the logged in user
- DONT update the oAuthIdentities field
Actual Behavior
- AfterLogin event is called
- Update a field of the logged in user
- oAuthIdentities field is updated to
{"rawJsonString": null}
- On each log in the field is appended with more
values, for example after 4 logins it looks like this:{"rawJsonString":"{\"rawJsonString\": \"{\\\"rawJsonString\\\": \\\"{\\\\\\\"rawJsonString\\\\\\\": null}\\\"}\"}"}
- This eventually causes the API to return a
Request entity too large, status code 413
Reproducible Test Case
Call Backendless.UserService.update(user)
from inside an afterLogin
JS server event.