AI Text Column


I am looking into some uses cases for the AI Text column. Has anyone else used this feature in any of their tables? If so, how was it used and what prompts and expressions did you use?

Hello, @Zachary_Majka

Here are some potential use cases and prompt ideas that could inspire you:

  1. Generating Summaries:
  • Use Case: Automatically generate a summary for articles or blog posts.
  • Prompt: “Summarize the content of this article: {content}. Provide a concise summary.”
  1. Creating Product Descriptions:
  • Use Case: Generate product descriptions based on various attributes.
  • Prompt: “Create a product description for a {product_name} that is {color}, {size}, and made of {material}. Highlight its key features and benefits.”
  1. Crafting Personalized Messages:
  • Use Case: Send personalized emails or notifications.
  • Prompt: “Generate a personalized message for {first_name} {last_name} based on their recent purchase of {product_name}. Include a thank you note and a suggestion for a complementary product.”
  1. Creating Social Media Posts:
  • Use Case: Generate social media posts based on content or events.
  • Prompt: “Create a social media post for {event_name} happening on {event_date}. Mention key details and include a call to action.”

These are just a few ideas, but the flexibility of referencing other columns in the prompt allows for tailored content generation specific to your application’s needs. You might want to experiment with different prompts and see what kind of output best suits your requirements.
