AIR/Flex Push-notification example not responding


All the latest backendless examples in the SDK for Flex/AIR are working really well! Great work!

However, after setting the example backendless-push-notification correctly with appSettings; GCMSenderId, Goole API key and backendless secret keys.

I found the backendless-push-notification does not return anything. Not event a fault event.

Currently using Apache Flex 4.12/AIR4 and deploying to both iOS and Android. All the other examples are working great.

Any ideas? Is the backendless push-notification service working with the flex/Air SDK ok at the moment?

Jasen M.


This has been marked as a know issue. Any timeframe on when might be up and running again? Be good to know if I should consider an alternative for the short term?

Jasen M.

Hi I was wondering if there is an update to this issue?

Currently android devices are registering fine (thanks!), but ios devices are not, not fault event (see above) but they can send Notification messages (viewed in the console) without needing registration…so I assume(?!) my uploaded certificate and ANE IS working ok?

Here is the entitlement configured, nothing special here:


Here is some baseline code (straight from the sdk examples) which demos the registration process…

deliveryOptions = new DeliveryOptions();
deliveryOptions.pushBroadcast = DeliveryOptions.ALL;

deviceRegistration = new DeviceRegistration();

deviceRegistration.gcmSenderId = AppSettings.SENDER_ID;//ignored by iOS, only for Android
deviceRegistration.channels = [ “default” ];

Backendless.Messaging.registerDevice(deviceRegistration, receivedPushNotificationFunction,
new mx.rpc.Responder( function(result:ResultEvent):void
trace(“device Reg ok”);

}, function onFault(event:FaultEvent){
trace(“device Reg fault”);


	Is there anything else I should know to register iOS devices for push notification?

Jasen M.

Hi Jasen,

please provide me your application id

Hi Jasen,

Your Backendless backend needs to be configured with a .p12 certificate and a password so we can delivery push notifications to the registered iOS devices. You can find the instructions here:

Also, just to confirm, when you register an iOS device, do you see it in Backendless console? It should show up in the Messaging section > Devices tab.


[reply user_id=22][h4]Sergey Kukurudzyak wrote:[/h4]Hi Jasen,

please provide me your application id[/reply][reply user_id=22]Sergey: Here is my APP_ID:


Re: Certificate upload:

Yes, I have created an iOS Push Notification Certificate using the process outlined here:

Re: Console IOS Device registration.

No, it does not show under devices. (However, my Android device does register successfully using the same app code)

Its interesting, the device registration code (above) does not return any faults to say it has not registered.

Thanks Sergey/Mark[/reply]

Hi, is there an update to this issue. I have not tried again since posting. However, I have confirmed my ios APN certificate is working correctly using Urbanairship.


Hi Jasen,

I am looking into it right now.


Hi thanks for looking into this issue, currently the example project has this issue…which are surely part of the problem?:slight_smile:

The BackendlessPN.ANE (flash builder 4.7) tells me the two different conflicting compatibility results in the Native Extensions panel:</img>

Also, when I run/debug the Backendless-push-notification example debug says it does load:

[SWF] com.backendless.BackendlessPN - 7,228 bytes after decompression and backlendless api does not complain.

I have also updated the Main-app.xml to include:




I have added this to the Main-app.xml file for the project. These are the same options I use to have Urbanairship pushes to working correctly:

&lt;InfoAdditions&gt;<! [ CDATA [

<! [ CDATA[



Can you see anything wrong with this?

It seems adding xml code snippets in the posts are not working for me either. lol