An internal error

Application ID: 0E890F6E-A6DC-A016-FF0E-6D9D1FBB3C00

Oops. An internal error [371b76b8881684143d5ac55774667e75] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later

What’s the timeline for fix?

Problem description

Describe what you did in console that led to the error. Please provide a description of what actually happens. Be descriptive: “it doesn’t work” does not describe what the behavior actually is. This will help us with reproducing the problem.

Steps to reproduce

Please describe steps to reproduce starting from the first action.

All users cannot use UI

Can you provide any details?

When opening UI

Steps to reproduce.

1 open backendless
2 click UI Builder under frontend

When try to open UI Builder a screen with large red box appears with the following:
Application ID: 0E890F6E-A6DC-A016-FF0E-6D9D1FBB3C00

Oops. An internal error [371b76b8881684143d5ac55774667e75] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later
```    "

See sceen shots above.

In Container “Production”

Hello, @Joel_J_Symens

As far as we can see, the issue is related to the copy page. If it is not important to you, we can try removing this page to resolve your issue.


You can remove it, but we would like to know what part of this page caused the whole UI not to work for us. We don’t want this to happen, it’s not good for our productivity.

I have removed the copy page, so everything should work correctly now. The issue occurred because, for some reason, the configuration file for this page was deleted.


Do we have access to the config files on our end to delete them? On another question, our group spent time making pages in a working container, are we able to move/copy/template those in anyway to the now working container? I have been looking and seems this is not possible?

Hi Joel,

Yes, you have access to all the files created/used by UI Builder. To access the files, navigate to the Files section in the Backendless Console. In the root directory, you will find the ui-builder folder. This is the folder where all your UI containers are located (they will be in the /ui-builder/containers directory). When you navigate into a directory of your UI container, you will find the pages directory. Every page in your UI container will also have its own directory. To copy a page from one container into another, you will need to copy the directory of your page and paste it in pages directory of another container.

It is recommended that you create a zip backup of everything before you proceed in case you need to revert the changes. You can also create a zip backup in the Backendless Console.


Thank you!

Hello Mark,

Exact same problem as Friday. We were not in the directory. No files deleted by us.


Colleague posted about this problem also. These can be combined.

Hi @Joel_J_Symens

We are currently working on it
