Internal error showing up when trying to edit a content

Application ID: 0E890F6E-A6DC-A016-FF0E-6D9D1FBB3C00

Oops. An internal error [3ea3f8a97fc85b826b83087ec0ccd864] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later

Problem description

Three different people were editing the content in different pages in the same container but the error suddenly occur after refreshing the site. This is the 2nd time that we experience this error and the last time was there were two people working in different pages in the same container and it was fine until the next day, the page turns out not to work.

Steps to reproduce

Please describe steps to reproduce starting from the first action.

  1. One person is editing the “PRD_VIEWPAGE_JENN” page under the container “Production”. She was editing the contents and the logics in the page
  2. The other one was editing “PRD_Contact_Joel” under “Production” Container. He were editing the components and the logic.
    3.the 3rd person is working on the “Amherst” under layouts, “PRD_FinalPage_MPJ”, “PRD_HERDUPDATE_page”, “PRD_ResourceNew_Marj”, and “PRD_HerdAdd” under the “Production” container. I was only editing the paddings and margins of the blocks

This is the same error we have last friday

Hello @Marjorie_Cal

We are looking into your issue and will help as soon as possible


@Marjorie_Cal there is a problem with the PRD_herdUpdate page, there is no page.json file and it causes the error. Do you really need the PRD_herdUpdate page? I can remove this page and that will solve the issue.

Hello Zahar,
Before deleting more pages, please describe to us what steps we took to cause the UIBuilder to break? Changing padding on the page caused a file to be lost?


On Thursday night last week our team left work with the UIBuilder working. On arrival back in the office on Friday morning the UIBuilder was not working with the following error: Application ID: 0E890F6E-A6DC-A016-FF0E-6D9D1FBB3C00 Oops. An internal error [371b76b8881684143d5ac55774667e75] has occurred. Your solution was to delete a page due to a missing config file. UI resumed working midway through the day after deleting a page. Five hours into the work day on Monday the same error appeared to which your solution is to delete another page which is missing a json doc. As it stands now, everyday we will lose a random page and an unknown amount of the workday.

Can you tell us what we as a team are doing to cause files to be lost at random?


Hello @Zahar_Mychka ,

Please see also this same thing we experience before that error occur in our container, the image attached appear after deleting just a button, the same thing that happens yesterday when we were just adjusting the padding. Can you please tell us what is going on because we cannot go through on what we need to do in the page due to some simple deleting of components and adjustments in dimensions and this image attached happened just now.


Hi @Marjorie_Cal @Joel_J_Symens

I am truly sorry to hear about the challenges you encountered while working with the UI Builder. I fully appreciate how critical this tool is to the success of your project, and I understand the significant impact these difficulties have had on your progress. Please know that your concerns are taken seriously, and I am committed to ensuring that we address this issue promptly and effectively.

I’ve created an internal ticket to investigate the issue and in case it requires a fix, deliver these changes as soon as possible.


we found a bug on our side, at this moment each time when you leave a UI page editor, it saves the current state, even if you did not make changes to it. We have fixed it and once our QA verified we can release it to the prod.

Hello @Marjorie_Cal @Joel_J_Symens

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether fix works for you well?


We have not ran into the same problem again so far. Do you have any documentation or suggestions on multiple users opening same page simultaneously?


no, we do not have any specific documentation about such behaviour yet.
however, we’ve got in our backlog tasks to disable any simultaneous work on the same workspace (UIPage/UIContainer/etc.)

We try not to open pages simultaneous, but sometimes stuff happens. Disabling simultaneous work, if not a feature, would be helpful. That being said, collaborative work would be great feature for us.


We are going just to prevent issues when more than one developer changes the same page, it means once one developer starts working on a page other developers only will be able to see the page in read-only mode with the ability to take control over the page.

Of course after ten to fourteen days of few issues this now happens with two pages? I have attached a screen recording.


Sorry for the long response.

Your situation is related to the “hide block” option. Open page components and click on the “eye” icon, and it will be shown.

Had never used this functionality. Only remembered it vaguely from videos once you pointed it out.
