An internal trouble ticket with ID 3E7DFAC7-C78B-A19E-FF39-1D215CC93400

Getting the internal trouble ticket trying to query the Users table for users within a certain radius, of a certain gender, age bracket, sorted by created DESC, pageSize = 10, offset = 0, and loading the user object’s two relations.
It was working previously without the age bracket, pageSize and offset.
Using REST Api.,%2039.084000,%20location.latitude,%20location.longitude%20)%20%3C%20mi(120.000000)%20and%20gender%20%3D%20%27male%27%20and%20age%20%3E%3D%2025%20and%20age%20%3C%3D45&sortBy=created%20DESC&loadRelations=profilePic,location&offset=0&pageSize=10


Hi Odhiambo,
The internal ticket with ID BKNDLSS-17414 has already been created to investigate this. Thank you for providing the exact request causing the error, it should help.

It looks like the request you provided performs successfully. From the logs I can see that the error was related to the user-token. Do you call this query from any logged in user?