android device not receiving push notification

i registered my android device using backendless.messanging api and its is now appearing devices column with valid expiration date , device id & device token. now i’m trying to send a push notification but my device is not receiving it. i found a similar question here so i tried this

  1. Choose the channel device is registered at
  2. Put message “Hello”
  3. Put headers ( paste it into “headers” ): “android-content-text”:“content text”, “android-content-title”:“content title”, “android-ticker-text”:“ticker text”
  4. Choose checkboxes “Push notification” and “Android devices”
  5. Click on “Publish”
    but it didn’t worked , whats wrong here ??
    also IOS devices is not receiving notifications
    i noticed one thing when i publish my notification the alert says “Message scheduled” & message columns remains empty

regenerating API key did the job

Hi Bilion Bucks

Glad you solved it. Closing the topic

Regards Anton

i need a documentation about push notification every time a new object created

I have answered you here