I have download Angular2 example from JS-SDK replace APP-ID and APP-KEY in main.ts. But it don’t work with code 2002.
What version of the backend did you use? 3.x or 4.0?
Right, both 3.x and 4.0 are accessible through that address. Login to console and check the version number right next to the Backendless logo.
npm installed v 3.1.25
I am talking about this: http://take.ms/bWM8j
v 4
with v3 it work correctly, but with v4 …
The code you got is for v3. Here’s how to get an Angular project with v4:
Step1 - click here:
Step 2 : double click here:
Step 3: Select Angular and click Download:
Extract files from the ZIP. Run “npm install” from the root directory of the project. The project is ready to run and will show you how to do some basic Backendless APIs.