API Call Architecture (Beginner)

Hi Beginner Here!

I want to pass a user’s API keys into Backendless through my front-end when a user authenticates with a 3rd party API. I would like to have Backednless then periodically call that API and store updated data for each user in the database so that the front end can load that data up when the user logs in. (Imagine it would load up some amount of user data the first sign-in and then update a few times per day).

How would I go about architecting something like this at a high-level? I imagine I’m running server code with some timers at some level. Any insight or red flags would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


Hello, @Will_Smith.
Welcome to Backendless community:)

Is RT suitable for these purposes? This will always keep user data up to date.
You can get acquainted here:

Best Regards, Nikita.