API Service - Hosted - custom POJO as argument possible?

Backendless.Persistence.save(myPoJo, new Async…) from my clients works fine.Now that I’ve built a custom Service I’ve created the following function:public List<MyPOJO> getMyPOJOList(){
return Backendless.Data.of(MyPOJO.class).find().getData();
As expected it works as well. The client receives a listOfMyPOJO objects.Sending primitive Data as POST from client to server works as well. (as Mark described in his youtube video.) I’ve tried it as well and it worked fine.
Now to what doesn’t work.I tried to send a myPOJO object from client to server.customServiceFunc:public String addMyPOJO(MyPOJO myPOJO){
return myPOJO.toString();
}=> Backendless returns a fault here:BackendlessFault{ code: ‘14004’, message: ‘Service invocation failed: weborb.exceptions.ServiceException: java.lang.NullPointerException: exception during method invocationServiceException’ }Any ideas? Are there possibilities to debug the custom Service?regardsJens

Could you check what happens when you try to invoke the method using API Inspector in Backendless console?


I’m getting the same error with API Inspector.

One thing I found out is that there is no model schema offered on the right side of API Inspector. (to auto fill the argument)
I guess this might be related to the problem?

If i click on model at the top it correctly shows all the class fields.


I bet it is the same root cause. Could you email the jar file you deploy to me?


Hi, Jens!

This issue has been resolved. Can you please try again and inform us about the result?

with best regards,
Alex Navara