Hi Guys, I was working on my cart and suddenly my App sent lots of errors and when I checked the database on Backendless I notice some relations in some columns just gone. Pic. attached.
Notes worth to point out:
I was working with Get and delete method on another table (Basket) which has a relation 1:1 to (specials) the one who lost the relations.
My Basket table has a relation to specials but the Specials table has no relation at all with the table Basket. This table shouldn’t be affected while I’m retrieving data from Basket table right?
I don’t even know yet how to remove just a relation from a column much less from a related table.
And I found some relations missing in other columns too.
Now I can’t set back the relations, even Backendless dashboard are not saving back a new relation when selected and don’t give me any alert or message.
We have made a change which should return the previous (proper) behavior. Could you please verify in your apps that you can establish and delete relations again?
Hi Mark, the products are not loading anymore… I can see the relations are there but now the request brings me an empty object. Any possible another linking reason?
On this request, I was loading the products using the user location… was working fine until restore the relations. Any idea?
The reason you’re getting an empty object is because your security permissions do not allow data retrieval from that table for a non-authenticated user: