App not opening - Server call failing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException


we have a critical problem,
the app is not opening due to an handleFault that has started happening all of a sudden,
in the middle of a version being out, which means no code change.
so for sure i know it’s not the client code that changed.

here is the query code:
String blacklistWhereClause = “((” + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_EMAIL + " LIKE ‘" + email + "’) AND " +
" (" + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_EMAIL + " NOT LIKE ‘’) AND " +
" (" + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_EMAIL + " IS NOT NULL)) OR " +

                          "((" + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_IP + " LIKE '" + ipAddress + "') AND " +
                          " (" + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_IP + " NOT LIKE '') AND " +
                          " (" + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_IP + " IS NOT NULL)) OR " +

                          "((" + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_USER_ADVERTISING_ID + " LIKE '" + userAdvertisingId + "') AND " +
                          " (" + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_USER_ADVERTISING_ID + " NOT LIKE '') AND " +
                          " (" + Consts.BLACKLIST_COL_USER_ADVERTISING_ID + " IS NOT NULL))";

QueryOptions blacklistQueryOptions = new QueryOptions();
BackendlessDataQuery blacklistDataQuery = new BackendlessDataQuery(blacklistWhereClause);
Backendless.Data.of(Consts.TABLE_NAME_BLACKLIST).find(blacklistDataQuery, callback);which for the parameters in my case:
email="" userAdvertisingId=‘c-e-f-g’ and ipAddress=“” gives this query where clause((email LIKE ‘’) AND (email NOT LIKE ‘’) AND (email IS NOT NULL)) OR
((ip LIKE ‘’) AND (ip NOT LIKE ‘’) AND (ip IS NOT NULL)) OR
((userAdvertisingId LIKE ‘c-e-f-g’) AND
(userAdvertisingId NOT LIKE ‘’) AND (userAdvertisingId IS NOT NULL))

Hi Tal,

The problem has been fixed, please confirm.