App not showing in Backendless Viewer

I published my app, with “Publish to Backendless Viewer” checked:

The web app opens in the browser from the address given, but I don’t see the app name in the Backendless Viewer list.

  • Do I need to do something else?
  • Does it take time (it’s been over 60 minutes from publishing the second time)?

Try publishing it into a directory without parenthesis in the name.

Actually I can see it:

Thanks Mark,
I completely ‘spaced’ on the “You can change the app name …” notice, thinking it would use the ‘last’ directory name in the URL (‘GroceryList(PDM). It’s now ‘GroceryListPDM’, a simple example app for my (fledgling) company, Practical Data Management. The app is (much) modified from your ToDo App in the ‘UI Builder Introductory Course.’

My first working and published mobile app … woo-hoo! :grin:

Awesome! Congratulations, Jim!