App running in dev or prod?

I’m looking for a way to programmatically detect if my app is running in ‘development’ or ‘production.’
It appears that (in Device API) both ‘Get Window Location’ and ‘Get Current Url’ return useful information:
Development (UI Builder)

Production (Published)

My questions:

  • ‘ui-builder’ (in the string) seems to show development, absence indicates production. Is this reliable?
  • the two returns look the same. Is one better than the other?

Hello @Jim_Austin

I’ve created an internal ticket BKNDLSS-29305 to add the ability to get this info

  1. Prod and dev app has different URL, you can create logic based on this info
  2. You can create “Custom code” with name “isProduction” that return return !!BackendlessUI.config.pages (This is a hack. We do not guarantee that we will not change this behavior.)


‘Window Location’ and ‘Current URL’ both return the same string.

  • is one better to use than the other?
  • will this always be the case?

Hello @Jim_Austin!

As Victor said, you can use a hack like this, but we cannot guarantee that the behavior will not change in the future. I can only recommend that you wait until this functionality is implemented and build your logic around it.
We will let you know as soon as an internal ticket BKNDLSS-29305 is ready.


Hello @Jim_Austin

We have added a new “Is App In Production?” block that will solve your issue. You can find it in UI Library → App → “Is App In Production?” Block.
