Application versions aren't shown in the UI at random


Some time ago we have created the second application version, so currently we have two of them. About a couple of weeks ago the following started: I log into my account, and at first I see the message that no applications exist, but after that one of the versions appears, but not the other one. Both are working from the client side, it’s just I don’t see both of them from the web interface. At this very moment I have two open browsers, and in one of them I see only one version and in the other one I see only the other version. It’s very frustrating.

Could you please look into this so I can always access both versions?


Would you be able to record a screencast so we can see the problem from your perspective?


I have recorded the video. As you can see, I’m logging in, then at first it shows that I have no applications at all, then I get the “v1” version to show up, but not “prod”. Once I saw “prod” showing up, but not the “v1”.

I recorded this video in Vivaldi (based on Blink), but the same thing happens in Firefox as well, so it doesn’t seem to be browser-specific.

Nowhere in the video I do not see version “prod”. The only thing which didn’t look right is when the screen showed that you do not have any apps and then an app showed up. However, the problem with the versions you described is not shown in the video.

Yes, that’s precisely the problem I’m describing: the prod version exists and is working, except it doesn’t show up in the web UI. Also my colleague on the team sees it, and I usually don’t. I saw once “prod” show up, but not “v1”, but usually it’s as you see in the video. In any case I don’t see both versions there at the same time.

What is your application ID?

The application id is 7771F4BE-EE1C-B8E7-FF80-40632A087500.

I just tried accessing your app in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. The both versions show up without any problem as you can see in the following screenshots:




We are not aware of any problems with version rendering. Thousands of other developers use versions and this is the first report we got. We would need to be able to reproduce the problem first before we can do anything.


I don’t understand what you are suggesting me to do. I tried different PCs, different browsers, and the problem persists. I can’t take down the production version and recreate it either.

Here’s what I am suggesting:

    Get Google Chrome.

    Clear browser cache
    Open console and login
    Select the app and navigate to Manage > Versions
    Make sure both versions show up
    Try the version selector (drop-down) next to the the app name

If does not work, please create a video of that, but make sure it is the latest version of a well-known browser (Chrome/Firefox/Safari).

OK, I did another video for Chrome. It’s still exactly the same. Like I said, I’ve already seen this problem in Firefox. The problem doesn’t seem to be connected to the browser at all.

Thanks. At what point does the “prod” version show up in console? You never showed it in the video (neither first not second)

That’s the problem, it doesn’t show up at all. This is exactly the reason why I opened this topic.

I suspect it might be related to google-based login. Could you try the following please: register a new developer account using Backendless registration form:

Once registered, let us know the email address you used to register and we will link the account to the same app. Once it is done, you will be able to login using the standard login form and navigate to the app. If it works that way, the only difference would be the form of login. This would help us identify the root cause of the issue.

Thank you for your help with this.


I have just registered through the form using I left all other fields the same (my name, application name, etc.).

Thanks. Could you login with the new account and see if you can access the original app now?

No, I still see the new application.

Could you try now? I see your helpwave.test account in the list of dev team:</img>

Hi Alexander,

I’ve reproduced this problem, created the internal ticket BKNDLSS-14112 and we are working on it already.
You can see all your apps by clicking on the item ‘My Apps’ in the main menu.</img>
The Console does not have to show the message ‘You have no application’ when a developer has some apps. It is extremely confusing behavior and we will get rid of it ASAP.
Sorry for this misunderstanding.

Regards Ilya


Hi Alexander,

We’ve fixed it and just deployed to production.

Regards Ilya