Atomic counters and concurrent request limit

Hi Backendless Team,
I run into situation where when retrieving more than 100 atomic counters I receive error message of concurrent request limit of 100.

My App logic is that current month leaderboard participants and their points are stored as atomic counters.
In Cloud code I have method that retrieves all participants, and just today started to think, what will happen if I have more than 100 counters to retrieve, since there is no page size and offset, as to Load table objects block…
So did create test for that, and it ended up with error message about concurrent request limit of 100.

Is this expected behavior with atomic counters, or there is way to retrieve more than 100 atomic counters at once?

Hello, @Uldis_Borkus.

Can you please answer to a few questions.

  1. Which method do you use to get counters?
  2. Can you show some example of your usage/minimal reproduce forwards?

Regards, Nikita.

Hi @Nikita_Fedorishchev

  1. This was the method:

  2. Recreated example, but seems that I no longer get the concurrent request limit, but now it is one I control, with tier threshold. So no more issues there. At least for now.

And now it is clear that my logic with atomic counters would get costly in long run, will redo to use db instead.

Resolving this one.

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