Auto Increment with existing data

I’ve imported data and one of the properties is “customerID” that is an integer. Is it possible to add the auto increment to this existing column?

It depends on what the data type of the existing column is. Also, it depends if the existing column already contains unique values.

If the data type is already INT, it should work.

Thanks for the reply @mark-piller. The existing data is INT and there should not be duplicates. The last value used is 2012. I’m struggling to find where to add the auto number option to that column.

I just checked that scenario and need to correct what I said earlier. From my observation, an existing column’s type cannot be changed to AUTO INCREMENT. There are only 2 ways to create such a column:

  1. Creating a new column


  1. When importing a CSV, use the following declaration in the header row:

I apologize for confusing you earlier.


thanks again @mark-piller. I chose option 2 and it tested out fine.