Autoload Relations

Backendless Version 6.x
Client SDK Android

I am trying to set autoload for a column with a relation to another table but there is no posibillity to set it.
Is this option not provided anymore in Backendless Version 6.x ?

Thanks for your help

This was disabled for new applications.
The old ones should still work with auto-load.

Thus, from now you should use method loadRelations for such purpose.

Thanks for your answer.

Is there also an possibility to get the parent object with this call?

F.e. you have two tables. Person with column ‘phone’ which related to ‘Phone’ table.
Here the request to ‘Phone’ table.
Person[phone].objectId = ‘C4BFC7A8-0F1B-B69D-FF9F-97A8ADAC7B00’

objectId is an id of Phone entity.