Backendless 3.x project lost

I had a project created on Backendless 3.x and now when I login into admin panel I can’t see my project.

Also, I’ve created backups and they are not available now:

Backendless finished export your data successfully for application: Wifi.
The Export log located in File Service in export directory.
You can download exported zip file from File-Service.
Download link: 

Please help to recover my project’s data and settings.

Backendless 3.x was discounted since November 2017. if you wish to go to Backendless 4, we can restore your app. What is your application id?

Hi Sergey, I don’t know because I’ve no project on my account now. Could you use download link to identify my project ID? Download link:

Looks like its FCC9053F-C20B-60F7-FFE0-AD13AC636800. I’m redirecting this to our SysOps team to restore the app. Will inform you here when it’s available.

The app with ID FCC9053F-C20B-60F7-FFE0-AD13AC636800 has been restored.Note that if it remains on Free plan for more than 2 weeks, it’ll be blocked and eventually deleted again.

Thank you, guys! It works. Will hurry up to migrate to v4

Hey Guys!
I’m facing the same problem, I have an old app made with backendless, but I can’t find it in the dashboard with the new version 4.x.
Could you please restore my app? I will provide my app Id.

Backendless 3.x was discounted since November 2017. Please check this article if you want to restore your app:

Regards, Olga

Hello, thanks for your response.
I can’t view this page, it says I don’t have permissions to see it.

We have discontinued the free plan for version 3.x of Backendless on November 1st, 2017. The API calls for all apps which were on the free plan at that time were blocked. Two months later the apps which were not upgraded to a paid plan in version 3 were removed from the system.
If you would like us to restore your app, there is a $50/app administration fee. Once an app is restored, it needs to be switched to a paid plan since the free plan is not available there anymore. If you would like to proceed, use the link below to pay the fee. Once a payment is processed, please let us know application ID and we will work on restoring the app:
Regards, Olga

Ok, thanks for your response.
I have a question please: let’s say I created a new app and used the trial period, can I use it with my existing software(android in this case) and just change the app id and secret code?
My previous app does not have much functionality, just users management, 1 database, message service, and file uploading.
In case I want to replicate the same functionality with the new app, do I need to change anything on the client side?

Another question please: I can see that there is a free plan for newly created apps in Backendless 4.x, so may I ask why I can’t use the free plan when restoring my old app?

The free plan exists only in version 4 of Backendless.

Ok, thanks for responding.
What about replicating the old app functionalities with Backendless 4, must I use the 4 version API? and if so, can I change the code on the client side to API 4, and use a new app on Backendless?

Yes, you must use the version 4 of the SDKs to work with Backendless 4. Which means changing the app’s implementation to use the new APIs.

Thanks, Mark.