Hello everyone, I’m developing a mobile app with Ionic 2 and started downloading the project template from the Backendless 4 console. I’m trying to implement the Easy Facebook Login using the Backendless Javascript SDK.
I can login and register the user in the Users table, but the method “Backendless.UserService.loginWithFacebook (fields:: Object, permissions?: Object, stayLoggedIn?: Boolean): Promise <void>” works only when called in the first time.
The second time I get the following error message: “Unable to register user. User already exists.”.
However I am just wanting to log in, and not register the user again.
How do I proceed to login with facebook of a user already registered?
My App ID is 6F4B9EC1-BECC-EC5F-FF35-8D6D4C556900.
Thanks for the awesome product !