Backendless Fault code 3099

Hi there,

I have a small problem with logging into my app with a particular user.
For some reason I am getting the 3099 error when logging in with a Google account:
“User with such identity is already registered with “GOOGLE_PLUS” Auth Provider”
Could this be because I changed the password on Backendless side (Data Management - User)?
This is one of my test accounts, so priority on this issue is not high.
I am just not sure why I am getting this error right now.
The user that is having this problem has objectId/ownerId: 5FC573FE-FC85-4F22-A350-631ECFF80A13.

App Id: 9899A2F8-3DC6-5C94-FF20-89FD58136300

Best regards,

Hello @Robin_van_Kuijk

We will verify this and let you know.

Regards, Vlad

The internal ticket has been created BKNDLSS-23351

Thanks Vladimir, hope you can clarify this for me.

Best regards,

Hi, @Robin_van_Kuijk

We’ve updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. We’ve added the ability for a user with the same email address to log in via multiple social logins. Could you please let us know if the fix works well for you?

Regards, Marina