Backendless geolocation query

Hello! I am wondering if it is possible to sort table entries by distance from a point! I know that the distanceBySphere function is able to be added to a where clause to find all the points within a certain radius of another point. Is there a way to get a sorted list by proximity of those results?

@Dustin_Pierce sure, here it is swift example:

I have column p it is a Point, we add distanceOnSphere( p, 'POINT(5 5)') as d and p as property,
also we find with where d > 1 and sort by d DESC

let queryBuilder = DataQueryBuilder()
        queryBuilder.setWhereClause(whereClause: "d > 1")
        queryBuilder.setProperties(properties: ["distanceOnSphere( p, 'POINT(5 5)') as d", "p"])
        queryBuilder.setSortBy(sortBy: ["d DESC"])
        "test").find(queryBuilder: queryBuilder
            , responseHandler: { foundObjects in
                print("Found objects: \(foundObjects)")
            }, errorHandler: { fault in
                print("Error: \(fault.message ?? "")")

and result is:

Found objects: [
["d": 785765.4941524031, "objectId": "228D891D-6EF4-D589-FF6D-563E56E0F400", "p": <Backendless.BLPoint: 0x6000029c8460>, "___class": "test"], 
["p": <Backendless.BLPoint: 0x6000029c84b0>, "d": 628516.7873194569, "___class": "test", "objectId": "420E1CDA-3AE6-ECAE-FF1F-A91D5991B600"], 
["d": 471292.0511888224, "p": <Backendless.BLPoint: 0x6000029c86e0>, "objectId": "4626DD7D-7E5E-C246-FF7A-F2BC662F8E00", "___class": "test"]]

and almost the same but we sort d ASC

let queryBuilder = DataQueryBuilder()
        queryBuilder.setWhereClause(whereClause: "d > 1")
        queryBuilder.setProperties(properties: ["distanceOnSphere( p, 'POINT(5 5)') as d", "p"])
        queryBuilder.setSortBy(sortBy: ["d ASC"])
        "test").find(queryBuilder: queryBuilder
            , responseHandler: { foundObjects in
                print("Found objects: \(foundObjects)")
            }, errorHandler: { fault in
                print("Error: \(fault.message ?? "")")

and result:

Found objects: [
["p": <Backendless.BLPoint: 0x600001ad5400>, "objectId": "4626DD7D-7E5E-C246-FF7A-F2BC662F8E00", "d": 471292.0511888224, "___class": "test"], 
["___class": "test", "p": <Backendless.BLPoint: 0x600001ad5450>, "d": 628516.7873194569, "objectId": "420E1CDA-3AE6-ECAE-FF1F-A91D5991B600"], 
["___class": "test", "objectId": "228D891D-6EF4-D589-FF6D-563E56E0F400", "p": <Backendless.BLPoint: 0x600001ad4c30>, "d": 785765.4941524031]]