Backendless.initWebApp method does not work

Hello! I am trying to install Backendless Web for Flutter. Backendless.initWebApp does not work, so I cannot initialize. In pubspec.yaml I registered backendless_sdk: ^ 7.0.0, in index.html everything is also written. Where is the problem? I need to integrate backendless into my existing project. I have already tried using the ready-made project, but there version 6.0.1 conflicts with the google_fonts: ^ 2.1.0 plugin, which I really need. And when you try to integrate into your backendless 7.0.0 project, the problem arises that I described above (


Hello @Viktor_Volodin

To make it work you can init app in the following way:

await Backendless.initApp( 
      applicationId: ANDROID_API_KEY,
      iosApiKey: IOS_API_KEY,
      jsApiKey: JS_API_KEY,
      androidApiKey: ANDROID_API_KEY

Or use generated domain:

await Backendless.initApp( customDomain: "http://<your-app-prefix>");

Custom Domains - Backendless SDK for Flutter API Documentation. I have created internal ticket to update the doc BKNDLSS-25862

@sergey.kuk Thank you! Will this work for Flutter Web?

@sergey.kuk It works! Thank you so much!

you are welcome