Backendless is buggy today

Cant access FrontEnd

Noticed also on UIBuilder making a global function that it refused to change block color or save description. When I add inputs and try to save (there is no save button so it’s kind of confusing) it removes the input parameters from where I placed them.

On the backend side of things on CloudCode I had to delete methods several times. I had to copy the same logic to a new method and it works while the old method return errors it doesn’t allow me to save because it sees a function I made and removed from the code. I looked everywhere deleted all blocks and it still insisted that my function is there and it has to be connected to another block (since it returns a value).

Help, please.

Thank you.

Looks like something got corrupt in the app. What is your application ID?

Hi Mark


I checked on it again its still down
error msg

" Oops. An internal error [56425cffa5ab0d66407b92d4f16c7a86] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later "

Thanks. We will be looking into it

any update on the issue? , I cant access front end UIBuilder still

Hello @Ali_Al Shamsi

Should be fixed now.

Sorry for the long response and inconvenience!

Regards, Dima.

Thank you much appreciated