Backendless + | Adding object

Hello. I’m trying to create an automation with tool. I wanna create a new object. There is a “Save a new object in the database” feature, which is exactly what I need.

But what if some of the fields are related to other tables? For example:
How do I add a value to a “buyer” field in I guess if I pass a plain text, it won’t take it?


Another question, should I generate a random “objectId” for the object I’m adding, or I can pass an empty value and it’ll be generated automatically? thanks.

Hello @Nikita_Korolev,

Currently, there isn’t a dedicated block for creating a relation directly, so this can’t be accomplished with the standard block functionality. However, I noticed that we do have the ‘Make an API Call’ block. In theory, you could use it right after the ‘Save a new object in Backendless’ block to make a request that establishes the relation for the saved object. To achieve this, you would need to structure the request correctly, and you can refer to the documentation for explicit relation handling at: Backendless REST API Documentation.

Regarding your second question about objectId, you don’t need to worry about setting it manually, as Backendless automatically generates it for you.

Alternatively, you could create an API service where everything is handled through code or codeless blocks. Then, you can simply call this service from the ‘Make’ block, passing the necessary information in the request body. Personally, I believe this approach is even simpler and more streamlined.

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Hello Sergii, thanks for your answers! I manage to create relations with a simple “HTTP Request” block, which works perfectly. And yes I understood that objectId is creating automatically. Everything works pretty smooth, thanks for your tool and support.