Backendless Payment Issue


I have received the following email from Backendless

Your application CTMember (ID: BA67ABF2-938D-1021-FF7F-798015C6D000) has
been blocked for 12 days because it has exceeded the limits of the billing plan
it is on. Our policy is to remove the apps which remained blocked for 14 days.
If you would like to keep your application, you would need to unblock it by
logging in to Backendless Console and doing one of the following:

    Reduce the number of resources which exceed the limit.

    Upgrade your billing plan.

If the application remains blocked in 48 hours, it will be removed from our

Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any

Thank you,

the Backendless team

I have checked my account, everything looks fine, not sure what limits we have exceeded. Please suggest us as we are growing our business and don’t want any disturbances at this stage.


Hi Naga,

Here are the details for the app:</img>


Hi Mark,

Attached is the screenshot of the plan from my account.
We are on $99.00 pan and paying extra $90.00 for notifications.


What’s the name of the app for that screen?

App Name is CTMember, Application ID: 867B9E9D-1EA5-0B50-FF76-9E4562456700

This is the only App we are using all our transactions are going through this.

I have attached screen shot which shows the app name as well.

That’s not the application ID referenced in the email. The email is about an app in the 4.x version of Backendless.

We have another App CT_Member on version 4.0, but we are not using it.
App ID:6C69EC0E-AEB1-49D7-FF31-97804775EA00

Attached is the screenshot of the plan, you can see that there is no usage on this account.

That app exceeds the limits of the plan it is on. It has been disabled for the past 12 days and is now scheduled to be deleted. If you need the app, you need to switch it to a paid plan so that the usage is within the limits.

Hi Mark,

Which App you are taking about? We have the following two apps. Can you please clarify.

  1. CTMember - APP ID: 867B9E9D-1EA5-0B50-FF76-9E4562456700 - Its is a Paid App and within the limits.

  2. CT_Member on V4.0 APP ID: 6C69EC0E-AEB1-49D7-FF31-97804775EA00 - Its is on Free option, but no usage, so not exceeding the limits.

The APP ID your team mentioned in my email does not belong to us.

This one: 6C69EC0E-AEB1-49D7-FF31-97804775EA00

It exceeds the limit for the number of objects in the data tables and the number of custom roles. The billing screen clearly shows that.