Backendless.Persistence deprecation warning in logger

Using the Codeless UI and monitoring the logging, I see the following error:

[INVOKE SERVICE] services.myNamespace.myCustomCall Thu Aug 06 2020 11:50:40 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) | SERVER_CODE | WARN | [22296] Backendless.Persistence is deprecated namespace, use Backendless.Data instead

It’s a simple API service wherein I use the Load Table objects block. Is this warning something I should be concerned about or will Load Table objects be refactored behind the scenes and resolve this warning?

Hi @Stephen_Peasley,

there is nothing to worry about, it will not affect your code & logic in any way. You’re right - it will be refactored behind the scenes. Just don’t mind it.


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You can go to logic where LoadTableObjects block is using, move a little main (root) block on canvas (just to register some action in Codeless) and make deploy after that. After this warning should go away.
