We’re having some troubles with Backendless pro 3.6.0 Standalone and Push Notifications.
We’re doing this:
- Restart machine
- Because Redis takes too long to start (from “started” to “ready to accept connections” takes 3 minutes), we need to restart it after the normal procedure.
- Taskmanager not running (it hangs)
In that scenario (taskmanager not running) we are able to use the backend and the code logic in our mobile app.
But we’re unable to receive push notification.
If we restart taskmanager…it starts, but only for a little while (couple of minutes)
Also we tried to delete scheduled tasks in REDIS using:
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE bklsSchaduledTasks -inf +inf
But we are still stuck.
Please help us. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Erich Grüttner D.