Backendless Pro kubernetes confguration


We are working on a kubernetes cluster for Backendless Pro v6 platform.

Could you please provide any documentation/installation instructions for deployment and management Backendless components in k8s?

Hello @Irina_Prozhoha1

Once our product is properly licenced our support staff will assist you with the installation of Backendless Pro components in your infrastructure

Regards, Dima


Will it be manual setup with Rancher?
Or maybe there are some automation options in place which we can use in order to prepare components before final setup and license applying?

Thanks, Irina.

Hello @Irina_Prozhoha1

It will be setup with Rancher. We have some yml files that you will be able to import. I am preparing the doc and I will share it with you in a couple hours.


Thank you @sergey.kuk

Irina Prozhoha

@Irina_Prozhoha1 please check out the doc BackendlessPro/ at master · Backendless/BackendlessPro · GitHub
It is the first public release of the doc, so there are can be some issues. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.

Will review it, many thanks.

Irina Prozhoha