Backendless Pro

I love the idea of Backendless Pro, and would love to try it out. With its scalability, Backendless Pro seems like the right approach for my app that I’m working on. However, while I’m still in the development stage, I have a few concerns regarding Backendless Pro.

  1. Backendless Pro is a replacement of Backendless Standalone, but I’ve only used Backendless Cloud for testing my development build. How will the launch of Backendless Pro effect my development? Do I migrate to the Pro or can I continue using the Cloud while in the development stage for testing purposes, which wouldn’t mind the functional limits?

  2. I understand there are discounts for “self-funded pre-revenue startups with fewer than 3 employees”, however seeing that the starting price is at $2000/server/month, it’s kind of scary. How exactly are these discounts calculated? Can an self-funded individual like me move to Backendless Pro? I love the product, and would like to use it, but at that starting price point, it’s intimidating for an individual in my situation.

  3. I’ve read through the docs of Backendless Pro, and you guys have made the setup process very easy, and that’s comforting to know because I never had experience with setting up servers like this. My question is, can I export my app from the Cloud to Backendless Pro just by simply using the export and import functions? What do I have to change on the client side aside from where the Backendless API points to?

In the time I’ve used Backendless, I’ve grown to love the services you guys provide, and I want to continue using your services for all future projects. I think Backendless Pro is a great step forward, and I’m looking forward to jumping onboard with the new services.

Hi Ali,

Thank you for your questions. We’re very excited about Backendless Pro as well and have grand plans for it. Please see my answers and comments below:

1. Backendless Pro is a replacement of Backendless Standalone, but I've only used Backendless Cloud for testing my development build. How will the launch of Backendless Pro effect my development? Do I migrate to the Pro or can I continue using the Cloud while in the development stage for testing purposes, which wouldn't mind the functional limits?

We leave the choice of staying with Backendless Cloud or migrating to Backendless Pro up to you. The advantages of migrating to Backendless Pro are:

    all [url=]the functional limitations[/url] of the Cloud edition are removed you can get direct email support you have full control over the server-side processes and data storage
However, switching to Backendless Pro also means that:
    you'd need to purchase a license. you need to figure out where to host your server you'd need to make sure you can manage the server from the system administration perspective
2. I understand there are discounts for "self-funded pre-revenue startups with fewer than 3 employees", however seeing that the starting price is at $2000/server/month, it's kind of scary. How exactly are these discounts calculated? Can an self-funded individual like me move to Backendless Pro? I love the product, and would like to use it, but at that starting price point, it's intimidating for an individual in my situation.

Our goal is to make the product affordable for everyone. We approach pricing questions from the perspective that the price must reflect value. The best place to start is to contact our Sales department ( and open a dialog.

3. I've read through the docs of Backendless Pro, and you guys have made the setup process very easy, and that's comforting to know because I never had experience with setting up servers like this. My question is, can I export my app from the Cloud to Backendless Pro just by simply using the export and import functions? What do I have to change on the client side aside from where the Backendless API points to?

Yes, in most cases you should be able to run the export/import to get your data. In more complex cases, once the product is licensed, we can assist with application migration at the lower level.

Hope this helps.
