backendless removes "\n" (new line) symbol in BackendlessUser

backendless removes “\n” (new line) symbol in BackendlessUser
When I save BackendlessUser with field with “\n” symbol, it removes it. Can you fix that?

Could you be more specific? Which property are you talking about and in what operation \n is removed? If you could provide an example, it would be quite helpful.


BackendlessUser *user have custom property “music”. I set :

user setProperty:@"music" object:@"Great\nMusic\nSuper"];

Then I update user with “backendless.userService update” and on backendless website I see this user with music information = “GreatMusicSuper” . So backendless removes “\n”.

If my explanation is not clear, pls let me know, I will try to find better explanation.

Actually, if for you it’s difficult to fix that bug, no problem. I developed work around : I replace “\n” with “+++” and then replace in application vice versa.

So in this case pls anyway let me know.

I can not reproduce this situation - the backendless property with “\n” has been updated. Maybe the style of display string on backendless console is guilty: it shows line without "/n"s, they can be visible on the hint only.

I’ve registered an user named “multi”, login them, added the “music” property and updated them - there are logs:

2014-04-18 13:28:31.173 UserService[41630:60b] SEND ------> registering: user = <BackendlessUser> {
email = “”;
gender = male;
name = multi;
password = multi;
2014-04-18 13:29:03.806 UserService[41630:60b] StartViewController -> userLogin: (LOGIN) <BackendlessUser> {
birthdate = “<null>”;
created = “2014-04-18 10:28:32 +0000”;
email = “”;
gender = male;
lastLogin = “2014-04-18 10:29:04 +0000”;
login = “<null>”;
music = “<null>”;
name = multi;
objectId = “36DDFF84-6F4A-196E-FF98-AD213E1D6900”;
ownerId = “<null>”;
updated = “<null>”;
“user-token” = “D36D917D-5850-3390-FF4B-CCAC60C32C00”;
username = “<null>”;
2014-04-18 13:29:04.267 UserService[41630:60b] StartViewController -> userLogin: (UPDATED) <BackendlessUser> {
birthdate = “<null>”;
created = “2014-04-18 10:28:32 +0000”;
email = “”;
gender = male;
lastLogin = “2014-04-18 10:29:04 +0000”;
login = “<null>”;
music = “TEST\nline1\nline2\n”;
name = multi;
objectId = “36DDFF84-6F4A-196E-FF98-AD213E1D6900”;
ownerId = “<null>”;
updated = “2014-04-18 10:29:04 +0000”;
“user-token” = “D36D917D-5850-3390-FF4B-CCAC60C32C00”;
username = “<null>”;

All right!

Right now I can’t reproduce this bug too. It seems that it was fixed.