Backendless SDK throws errors under Angular 9/8 usage

I have just upgraded an app with no code change to Angular 9 from Angular 8 which uses the latest 5.8.0 Backendless SDK. Unfortunately the SDK is reporting an error trying to login a user. I have tried and blocking and non-blocking approaches to no success. I have also tried downgrading the javascript compilation versions to maintain some earlier compatibility which does not make a difference.

I am getting the following error:


Simple method:

login(username: string, password: string) {
return Backendless.UserService.login(username, password, true)
.then((response) => {
return response;

Can I also add that is does not make a network call.

Hi @Steven_Salmon,
which version of SDK you are using?

5.4.3 on Angular 8 but 5.8.0 on Angular 9. Did try using 5.4.3 on Angular 9 but no difference.

I am just going to attempt to rollback to Angular 8.2.3 and try the latest SDK just to rule out any issues here.

Ok, also let us know please whether v5.7.2 is working for you.

Okay it looks like it may be a SDK issue even under Angular 8:

Angular 8 + Backendless SDK 5.4.3 - Success
Angular 8 + Backendless SDK 5.7.2 - Failed
Angular 9 + Backendless SDK 5.4.3 - Success (after I did a clear of node_modules)

So the issue must be with 5.7.x of the SDK

We’ve published a new version of SDK v5.8.2 that should fix this issue. Could you please try to install it and verify if it’s working for you?

Great news 5.8.2 has fixed the issue. Thank you very much for fixing this so quickly.

You’re welcome!
Thanks for reporting this issue.
