Backendless Standalone - play service status = Uknown

I first want to thank the Backendless team for a Great job on the current release of the Backendless Standalone servers. I installed the 32-bit linux version on CentOS v6.7 without any problems.

I’ve been using my application against this standalone and after a while (~3 hours) of inserting, deleting, etc CRUD operations as well as file uploads, the play service had a status of Uknown. I also noticed that my file uploads began to fail. I then restarted all the services and they all restarted successfully. I’m now again able to perform file uploads. I wanted to report this. I can send my log files if needed.

Hi Ron,

Could you please provide your logs



Attached is the error log

error_log.txt (23.49kB)

The play service is unable to start now.

here are the logs from the play-logs dir

LOGGER_PREFIX_IS_UNDEFINED_weborb_taskman.log.txt (41.16kB)

application.log.txt (600kB)

Hi Roy,

Seems that the root of the problem is “Too many open files” error, according to the log. Do you have some file-intensive logic on a client or in event handlers? Try restarting the whole machine on which Standalone is running, will it help?

I will try shutting down and restarting the standalone. I’m not sure how I would have too many open files. Can this have anything to do with the number of files upload/downloaded by the client? Is there a recommended system requirement for the standalone running on linux? (I have it set to 4 GB of RAM).

Actually, this error is related to Linux restrictions more than to Backendless. In order to fix that, you should add the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf :

*         hard    nofile      999999
*         soft    nofile      999999
root      hard    nofile     3000000
root      soft    nofile     3000000

Thanks will update the limits.conf and get back with you

I updated the limits.conf with your settings and I had problems logging in as root. Ending up having to restore the OS. Can you give another example?


At this point we’re providing support for something that is outside of Backendless (the root cause of the problem that is). Unfortunately, the free support does not cover these types of issues. If you’d like, we can assist you with these problems, but you’d need to purchase a support plan.
