Ok on to the new bug, the Backendless Swift Package has stopped compiling, try and compile with Xcode 14.3 beta on MacOS 13.3 Beta, when building our iOS app for 16.4, 16.3, 16.2 and 16.1 seem this is a new XCode requirement for imports
The following calls need to have the following import added.
@import Foundation
@objcMembers public class UserProperty: ObjectProperty {
public var identity = false
enum UserPropertyCodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case identity
required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: UserPropertyCodingKeys.self)
identity = try container.decodeIfPresent(Bool.self, forKey: .identity) ?? false
try super.init(from: decoder)
override public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: UserPropertyCodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(identity, forKey: .identity)
try super.encode(to: encoder)
Thank you for figuring out this issue.
Right now I cannot reproduce this problem with macOS 13.2.1, Xcode 14.2 and iOS 16.2.
We recommend using only stable versions of OSs and Xcode as there can be issues which will be resolved after the release.
I will add the import line for the mentioned class, and a new version of Swift-SDK will be available soon (I assume at the beginning of the next week).
If any other issues appear after the release of the mentioned versions of OSs and Xcode, they will be fixed asap.
Unfortunately that really screws me up, I have a issue I am working with Apple on and I can not compile with out you adding a simple import line to your existing Swift package, it just one line
Import Foundation
Problem solved, no code of testing needed just a import of the lowest framework Apple has, can we make a non coding addition that has no effect on your code other thank allowing it to compile again, this effect any one moving swift 6 with Xcode 14.3 does not matter what iOS you are building for it a compiler issue, Alan
Unfortunately that really screws me up, I have a issue I am working with Apple on and I can not compile with out you adding a simple import line to your existing Swift package, it just one line
Import Foundation
Problem solved, no code of testing needed just a import of the lowest framework Apple has, can we make a non coding addition that has no effect on your code other thank allowing it to compile again, this effect any one moving swift 6 with Xcode 14.3 does not matter what iOS you are building for it a compiler issue, Alan