Backendless Viewer (Targett Acceso)

I’m testing my App Targett Acceso using Backendless Viewer and the Login Button is not working inside the Viewer but works perfect same code at the website

• The detail budget buttons works fine.
• Also I found the email working from web not from Viewer.
• The country buttons works fine at the web not Viewer.

Thanks, Mario

Have you checked if these problems are present when you run your app in mobile layout in a browser?

You can do it using browser devtools:

Good to know this option, thanks! but the Login outside the Viewer works fine.

This is the LoginPage.

Please create a test account for us and send the userid/password to with a link to this topic. We will give it a try.

Thank you.

Ready at:

I sent the password by or you can ask for a new one “Olvidó la clave?” start the recovery process.

Thanks, Mario