Batch log still using API when logging is off

I have set logging to “OFF” but when I call my CloudCode via REST and review the api use in analytics it is still showing use of “batch log”… Can anyone explain what this is please?

Hi @Duncan_Hughes ,

Could you please specify language of your CloudCode? Is it JS, Java or Codeless?

Regards, Andriy

Hi @Andriy_Konoz

My CloudCode uses Codeless

Could you please provide your app ID for deeper investigation?

Regards, Andriy



@Duncan_Hughes ,

Sorry for inconvenience.
There should be no calls to “batch log” API endpoint if logging was disabled app-wide. I have created an internal ticket for this problem. We let you know when problem is fixed.

Regards, Andriy

Hello @Duncan_Hughes

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether fix works for you well?


Hi @Inna_Shkolnaya

I am still seeing batch log entries in the API analytics when I run cloud code even though logging is “OFF”

The task was reopened on our developers team to check this.

Hello @Duncan_Hughes

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether fix works for you well?


Hi @Inna_Shkolnaya

The fix seems to have worked and I am no longer see batch log calls when I run cloud code.
