Best way to store data in database usually presented as a table

Hi All,

I have several tables of data similar to what you see below. I will need to find a specific value based on parameters on the X & Y axis.

I’m struggling with two questions:

  1. Do I store all of this information in a single record in a database or as a JSON object?
  2. Is there a function or series of logic blocks that would simplify finding the correct record? I’d ideally like to find something similar to an index match in excel.


If I understood you correctly, you can use a database in your application, create a new table and schema for that table, or import your data into Backendless.

After that, you can use codeless blocks to work with the table. To search for specific data in codeless blocks, you can use the “whereClause” condition.
You can also work with the database through the Rest API or other SDKs.
More information on working with Data Base can be found in our documentation - Overview - Backendless REST API Documentation

I hope this is what you need. If you have any questions, contact us.
