I get the following response:
Service invocation failed: ExceptionClass:“JsonMappingException” {Msg:“Unrecognized token ‘medium’: was expecting (‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘null’)\n at [Source: [1,20,123,medium,Series,DailyBoost>DailyBoost Year 1]; line: 1, column: 17] (through reference chain: Object[][3])”, Cause:"Unrecognized token ‘medium’: was expecting (‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘null’)\n at [Source: [1,20,123,medium,Series,DailyBoost>DailyBoost Year 1]; line: 1, column: 17]
this does not make sense as ‘size’ should be expecting values like ‘medium’ or ‘max’.
Did I do something wrong?
Our APP ID is 717EA037-49BD-FA51-FF0D-720176385200
Looks like your “size” property has boolean type. Can you show the “Quotes” method from your service? You can send it to support@backendless.com or post it here.