Boolean values can't be set

Since from the start I have problems setting boolean values from the console.
I imported most data from Parse.
For instance in one table I have 2 boolean columns. Now when I set the first value in the Console I get the error

Unable to save object - invalid data type for properties - isDefault. …
When I then set the second column (isDeleted) I get a successful changed message. Then I change the first column again (isDefault) and this also quits with a success message. (Looks like I have to set all boolean values once to get a success message.)
But the values do not get displayed correctly. When I open the table again - it shows the old values.

BTW the same happens when I change a bool value in a EventTrigger. It seems to be set right, but in the console gets displayed wrong.

Hello Juergen!

Could you please provide ZIP you used for migration from Parse so we could reproduce the issue you are facing (

Regards Anton

I sent an email with example data to the support address. I used the Console Import mechanism to import the data.

what is your applicationId?

I sent the applicationID to the support email address.

Internal ticket created: #13347

Is there a planned date when this will be fixed?