Browser freezes/crashes when doing File Upload

I am building a multimedia web app that allows user to upload audios/videos.

Just started using Backendless service as the new backend solution for my website. Everything is working as intended but there is one problem I ran into.

I noticed if I try to upload a video with size > 130 MB the browser will hang and eventually it will crash after timeout.
The Asyn callback seems to work correctly but I am not sure what is causing the problem.

Your browser process must be running out of memory as it loads the entire file before it is sent to the server.

Thank you for the reply.

Is there a solution for uploading in chunks (using slice) without modifying the API source?

I am not aware of one, but if you figure it out, please let us know. The source code of the library is open source and you’re welcome to make changes and submit a pull request to our github repository.