Hi team.
I like your work. You did awesome things!
But unfortunately I’m tired of bugs on your website (develop.backendless.com).
- I can’t update data, because very often server is not available.
- data tables are loaded for a very very long time (Sometimes I see endless “loading” dialog)
- Sometimes name of fields on the table does not match with data. (fix: use drag columns feature)
- Sometimes when I try to add new objects (one to many) it randomly disconnects another objects.
- Search feature doesn’t work properly. I enter a search query, it found matches. Then I press on any name of field and it sorts without my query.
- The same situation with searching when I trying to add objects (one to many)
- Today November 7, 2016 very often I see timeout fail on my android app. As result I lost 8 clients.
Please check attached images
Whats going wrong with backendless?
Why I should to buy your advanced features if simple functions doesn’t work?

Hi Oleg,
There are two groups issues at hand:
- Server availability (items 1, 2, 7 from your list)
- Issues in console or possibly your code (items 3, 4, 5, 6)
With the server availability, the Backendless Cloud deployment may go down and be unavailable for any reason. Of course it is important to us to keep it up and stable. Even with the recent outages, the server uptime is above 99.4%: http://status.backendless.com/
I have written about it in may other posts - we do not provide any uptime guarantees for Backendless Cloud. If you need an uptime guarantee, 24x7 monitoring, scheduled backups, direct support, then you should look into either Managed Backendless or Backendless Pro. That’s for items 1, 2 and 7 in your list.
Regarding others:
3. Sometimes name of fields on the table does not match with data. (fix: use drag columns feature)
There is indeed a problem which would happen when the order of the columns or their visibility changes. This problem is fixed in version 4.0 of Backendless - something we have been working on for some time. A preview release is expected to go out within a month.
4. Sometimes when I try to add new objects (one to many) it randomly disconnects another objects.
We are not aware of that problem. There are no “random disconnects” between objects. The only possibility is your app does not handle object relationship properly.
5. Search feature doesn’t work properly. I enter a search query, it found matches. Then I press on any name of field and it sorts without my query.
Sorting is implemented only for main table view, not for filtered results (ones with the search queries).
6. The same situation with searching when I trying to add objects (one to many)
Same as above? Adding object with relations, then searching and storing? I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand that one.
You’re asking why you should buy advanced features… Well, we do not sell “advanced features”. Backendless pricing model is you get limited quantity of resources (say 200000 objects in a data table) and you’d need to buy more ‘space’ when you have that many objects. So to answer your question, we’re not asking you to buy anything, a purchase would be needed when you run out of free resources. However, let me go back to the Backendless Pro/Managed Backendless topic. It is entirely your choice in this case. The choice should be based on the question of whether you’d like to have uptime guarantee, server monitoring, direct support, etc.
Hope this helps.
Hi Mark! Thank you for your feedback. It’s very important for me.
Screenshot for 3 point. Look at the “forceAppUpdate” filed. It’s a boolean, but showed as relation.
Hello, Oleg!
Sometimes this issue happens after manipulating columns in table. Have you tried clearing browser cache and refreshing page after that?