Bulk update for objects updated in iteration


I am fetching table objects in a loop and updating the property of each object. I want to submit changes to all the objects which are changing in iteration.

If we use bulk update where clause is must which I tried also. But, I am unable to update objects.
Please help.

using same where condition used to fetch records.

Hello @Baljeet_Singh

I am fetching table objects in a loop and updating the property of each object.

Actually, the block “Set Property In” doesn’t update records on the server, it just updates values in your local (variable) object.

If we use bulk update where clause is must which I tried also. But, I am unable to update objects.

I would recommend you to put the combined whereClause string into a variable and print it, in order to make sure the whereClause is valid. Then put the “changes” into a variable and print it as well to debug. Once you have whereClause and changes object you can try it in the REST Console on Data Service screen.

Regards, Vlad

I have tried already @vladimir-upirov
I know its local update but it should update when I post that local object for the bulk update.

Seems like you haven’t changed the name of object key “propName” into name of your table column.

@irwancheung What property name will be in case If I am updating multiple columns?

@Baljeet_Singh you can not update all the changed objects at once. Please take a look at this doc to see how the BulkUpdate works Updating Multiple Objects - Backendless SDK for JavaScript API Documentation

change it to the name of column in your Table “Challenge” that you want to update its value.

Let me try, you mean I can do without loop? Like this?

I think its correct.

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Yes, it looks correct!

Thanks Man. Let me try this.

Last question.

If I use returned objects from bulk block
Is the list will return same as I am getting from load table objects block?
and how many records will be upated once?

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I believe it returns a count of updated objects

Yes, its count. How many records will be updated in one hit? All or not more than 100?

as far as I know, we do not limit it for BulkUpdate
