bulkCreate API behavior vs. documentation

In my JS server code, I’m using the API Backendless.Data.of('MYTABLE').bulkCreate(myArray).
I’m using it to insert entries with an external objectId. This means, in my server code I’m creating UUIDs and passing them as part of the data set objects in myArray.

This works well. Data records get created with the UUIDs generated in my code.

However, the documentation is saying something different:

Objects in the request must not have objectId. If there is a value in the objectId property in a provided object, the object is ignored by the server.

What is the behavior really intended by Backendless? Can I rely on the current behavior and you will change the docs?


Hello @Klaas_Klever

Thank you for informing us. We will look into it(internal ticket BKNDLSS-27448), and inform you as fast as possible.

Regards, Dima.

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Hi @Dima
Any news on this “small” questions :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello @Klaas_Klever!

We will let you know as soon as there is any news.


Any news on this? I don’t want to rely on an API which might change in the future …


Hi Klaas,

The behavior in the implementation is correct - you can provide your own objectId value and Backendless will honor it. The docs should be updated.


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Actually, I see that the documentation has been updated some time ago. It now says:

Objects in the request may have a unique objectId value that is not used in the database.

Thank you!