Business Logic bugs

Backendless Version 5.6.0 Online

App ID: E0C22046-5591-A32E-FFDA-99B19FA38500

I have some troubles with business logic.

  1. For now I cannot add function for API service. I have 10 functions, and if I try to add once more it doesn’t saving, and if at this moment I choose another function it cause deleting of random item.
  2. I cannot delete old method from service. It just going to the bottom of the list, but there is still at it.
  3. I added the new one method to the service, but it didn’t appear at the list. If I try to recreate method witj the same params, it shows that I cannot dublicate method

Hello @Yauheni_Matsiusheuski

Please describe in more detail what function and where you are trying to add

Any function at Codeless tab mode in browser window

Hello @Yauheni_Matsiusheuski

The issue has been fixed and will be release once our QA department verify it.
Ticket number for reference is: BKNDLSS-19804

Regards, Vlad


Issue has been fixed. Please verify


I still cannot delete the old method from a service.

Can you please share a method name which you are trying to delete? Do you mind if I try?


z_1, z_2, z_3, z_4
feel free to delete them

Ok, I see that for some reason problem still reproduces in your app. We’ll take a closer look on what might be going wrong. Sorry for the inconveniences

Please try again, now everything should work fine
