Cached UI issue

Hi. We did a deployment to production of our UI yesterday and some users received the following error, while others didn’t:

It seems to me that users who received the error had the previous version of the UI cached in their browsers.

What could we do to prevent browser caching or at least have control over it (short expiry or other solution)? Any best practices or recommendations?

Hello @Marc_Chriqui

It seems to me that users who received the error had the previous version of the UI cached in their browsers.

Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce it. Could you ask some of the users who face that issue to share which browser they use? And will be even better, to prove that the issue is with the cache - reload the page with this checkbox enabled.


Amount of information about the issue
needs to be higher to fix it confidently.

Regards, Dima.

Thanks Dima. Yesterday I asked users who got the error message to simply clear their browser cache and the error went away. Is there a way to add code to our UI to instruct browsers to not cache it or at least set expiry? Example:

Hi @Marc_Chriqui

We already have the Files Cache feature, do you use it?

This is a strange issue, I tried to reproduce it but without any luck, by default, there is no cache and all changes appear after publishing.