Call an external API

Here is the use case
I have set up the schema for user registration and calling the API registers the user successfully.
But, what I want to do is after saving the user’s phone, make an external API call to verify the number and then update a table with the results of the external API.
I really need a step-by-step approach so a resource would be really appreciated.

Hello @Ikenna_Oyiih

You can use the “afterRegister” eventHandler. In this handler you can write all the necessary logic where you can make an external API call. Also, if you work with phone numbers using Twillio, you might be interested in this article. Twilio Integration Plugin | Backendless Mobile Platform


I could not find the ‘afterregister’ event handler and it’s not clear in the doc where it could be.
Can you please help me with shots of how to access it?


You can find handlers in this section.

You can explore the Business Logic documentation in this section.
